JKA Karate-do Kata
JKA Karate-do Kata
The official JKA KARATE-DO KATA, Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4 are now available.
Official JKA (Japan) endorsement: "These books, the bible of JKA karate kata, are the authoritative English-language volume whose contents are to be applied in all 116 countries that have JKA involvement. Close study of it is the only way to ensure that your kata are flawless. In it you will find clear diagrammatic explanations of the fundamentals of kata that are evaluated at all tournaments. " These books are an excellent supplement to the Nakayama Best Karate series. Katas covered are VOLUME 1 Heian Shodan; Heian Nidan; Heian Sandan; Heian Yondan; Heian Godan Tekki Shodan; Bassai Dai; Kanku Dai; Jion; Empi VOLUME 2 Gankaku; Jitte; Hangetsu; Tekki Nidan; Tekki Sandan VOLUME 3 Bassai Sho, Kanku Sho, Sochin, Nijyushiho and Unsu VOLUME 4 Wankan, Gojushiho Dai, Gojushiho Sho, Meikyo and Chinte Volumes 3 and 4 are currently being printed and should be arriving mid May. We are currently placing our order with Japan. Please place your pre-order to be included in the order. Prices are shown as R1. This is for indicative reasons only - final prices will be calculated when final order is placed. We estimate it to be around R650-800. |