Suspension Straps
Suspension Straps (TRX)
Suspension training (which you might know as TRX) has become a mainstay at gyms all over-and for good reason. It's a super effective way to torch your whole body, build strength, and get your heart beating, using just your own bodyweight.
The American Council on Exercise commissioned a study of healthy men and women (from 21 to 71 years old) to look at the long-term effects of TRX training. They did a 60-minute TRX class three times a week for eight weeks, and had various physical fitness and health markers measured both before and after the program. First off, they burned about 400 calories per session (which is the top of the ACE's workout energy expenditure goal for a typical workout). Second, there were significant decreases in waist circumference, body fat percentage, and resting blood pressure. Third, people improved their muscle strength and endurance, including significant improvements in leg press, bench press, curl-up, and push-up tests. All of the results combined suggest that long-term adherence to a suspension training program is likely to decrease your likelihood of cardiovascular disease. Anti-slip rubber handles Sturdy Door Anchor Fully Adjustable Heavy duty Clips Extension Stra Outdoor installation strap Price Includes VAT |